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Getting Started {#mainpage}

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The WePay Android SDK enables collection of payments via various payment methods.

It is meant for consumption by WePay partners who are developing their own Android apps aimed at merchants and/or consumers.

Regardless of the payment method used, the SDK will ultimately return a Payment Token, which must be redeemed via a server-to-server API call to complete the transaction.

Payment methods

There are two types of payment methods:

  • Consumer payment methods - to be used in apps where consumers directly pay and/or make donations
  • Merchant payment methods - to be used in apps where merchants collect payments from their customers

The WePay Android SDK supports the following payment methods:

  • EMV Card Reader: Using an EMV Card Reader, a merchant can accept in-person payments by prosessing a consumer's EMV-enabled chip card. Traditional magnetic strip cards can be processed as well.
  • Manual Entry (Consumer/Merchant): The Manual Entry payment method lets consumer and merchant apps accept payments by allowing the user to manually enter card info.


In the following steps, [version] represent one particular sdk version identifier such as 1.0.0 Replace [version] in following steps with the sdk version you are using

  • Add the following jars to the libs directory under app directory of your project source:

    1. wepay-android-[version].aar
    2. wepay-android-[version]-javadoc.jar
    3. wepay-android-[version]-sources.jar

    For example, if you are using sdk version 1.0.0, you need to include the following files

    1. wepay-android-1.0.0.aar
    2. wepay-android-1.0.0-javadoc.jar
    3. wepay-android-1.0.0-sources.jar
  • Open build.gradle file for you app module (not the build.gradle file of the project) and add the following

        dirs 'libs'
  • Also add the following to the dependencies closure
compile(name:'wepay-android-[version]', ext:'aar')
compile ''
As an example, if you are using sdk version 1.0.0, you need to add the following in dependencies closure
compile(name:'wepay-android-1.0.0', ext:'aar')
compile ''
  • Open your app's manifest.xml and add the following permissions under the manifest tag:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  • Android 6 / M / API 23 and later require a more complicated mechanism of requesting audio permissions fromt the user. See the WePayExample app's for a sample implementation.

  • Clean and build the project using your IDE or from the command line by going to the project's base directory and running:

./gradlew clean build
  • Done!

Note: Card reader functionality is not available in this SDK by default. If you want to use this SDK with WePay card readers, send an email to


HTML documentation is hosted on our Github Pages Site.

Pdf documentation is available on the releases page or as a direct download.

SDK Organization

The WePay class is the starting point for consuming the SDK, and is the primary class you will interact with. It exposes all the methods you can call to accept payments via the supported payment methods. Detailed reference documentation is available on the reference page for the Wepay class.


The SDK uses interfaces to repond to API calls. You will implement the relevant interfaces to receive responses to the API calls you make. Detailed reference documentation is available on the reference page for each interface:


Data Models and Enums

All other classes in the SDK are data models and Enums that are used to exchange data between your app and the SDK. Detailed reference documentation is available on the reference page for each class.

Next Steps

Head over to the class reference to see all the API methods available. When you are ready, look at the samples below to learn how to interact with the SDK.

Error Handling serves as documentation for all errors surfaced by the WePay Android SDK.


See the WePayExample app for a working implementation of all API methods.

Initializing the SDK

  • Complete the installation steps (above).
  • Include the wepay packages
  • Define a property to store the Wepay object
WePay wepay;
  • Create a object
String clientId = "your_client_id";
Context context = getApplicationContext();
String environment = Config.ENVIRONMENT_STAGE;

Config config = new Config(context, clientId, environment);
  • Initialize the WePay object and assign it to the property
this.wepay = new WePay(config);
(optional) Providing permission to use location services for fraud detection
  • Open your app's manifest.xml and add the following permission under the manifest tag:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"></uses-permission>
  • Set the option on the config object, before initializing the WePay object

Integrating the Card Reader payment methods (Swipe+Dip)

  • Implement the AuthorizationHandler, CardReaderHandler and TokenizationHandler interfaces
public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity implements AuthorizationHandler, CardReaderHandler, TokenizationHandler
  • Implement the AuthorizationHandler interface methods
public void onEMVApplicationSelectionRequested(ApplicationSelectionCallback callback, ArrayList<String> applications) {
    // Ask the payer to select an application from the list, 
    // then execute the callback with the index of the selected application

public void onAuthorizationSuccess(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, AuthorizationInfo authorizationInfo) {
    // Send the tokenId (authorizationInfo.getTokenId()) and transactionToken (authorizationInfo.getTransactionToken()) to your server
    // Your server will use these values to make a /checkout/create call to complete the transaction

public void onAuthorizationError(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, Error error) {
    // handle the error
  • Implement the CardReaderHandler interface methods
public void onSuccess(PaymentInfo paymentInfo) {
    // use the payment info (for display/recordkeeping)
    // wait for card tokenization response

public void onError(Error error) {
    // handle the error

public void onStatusChange(CardReaderStatus status) {
    if (status.equals(CardReaderStatus.NOT_CONNECTED)) {
        // show UI that prompts the user to connect the card reader
        this.setStatusText("Connect card reader and wait");
    } else if (status.equals(CardReaderStatus.WAITING_FOR_CARD)) {
        // show UI that prompts the user to swipe/dip
        this.setStatusText("Swipe/Dip card");
    } else if (status.equals(CardReaderStatus.SWIPE_DETECTED)) {
        // provide feedback to the user that a swipe was detected
        this.setStatusText("Swipe detected");
    } else if (status.equals(CardReaderStatus.CARD_DIPPED)) {
        // provide feedback to the user that a dip was detected
        // also let them know they should not remove the card
        this.setStatusText("Card dipped, do not remove card");
    } else if (status.equals(CardReaderStatus.TOKENIZING)) {
        // provide feedback to the user that the card is being tokenized
        this.setStatusText("Tokenizing card...");
    } else if (status.equals(CardReaderStatus.AUTHORIZING)) {
        // provide feedback to the user that the card is being authorized
        this.setStatusText("Authorizing card...");
    }  else if (status.equals(CardReaderStatus.STOPPED)) {
        // provide feedback to the user that the card reader was stopped
        this.setStatusText("card reader Stopped");
    } else {
        // handle all other status change notifications

public void onReaderResetRequested(CardReaderResetCallback callback) {
    // decide if you want to reset the reader, 
    // then execute the callback with the appropriate response

public void onTransactionInfoRequested(CardReaderTransactionInfoCallback callback) {
    // provide the amount, currency code and WePay account ID of the merchant
    callback.useTransactionInfo(21.61, CurrencyCode.USD, accountId);

public void onPayerEmailRequested(CardReaderEmailCallback callback) {
    // provide the email address of the payer
  • Implement the TokenizationHandler interface methods
public void onSuccess(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, PaymentToken token) {
    // Send the tokenId (paymentToken.getTokenId()) to your server
    // Your server would use the tokenId to make a /checkout/create call to complete the transaction

public void onError(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, Error error) {
    // Handle error
  • Make the WePay API call, passing in the instance(s) of the class(es) that implemented the interface methods
this.wepay.startCardReaderForTokenizing(this, this, this);
// Show UI asking the user to insert the card reader and wait for it to be ready
  • That's it! The following sequence of events will occur:
    1. The user inserts the card reader (or it is already inserted)
    2. The SDK tries to detect the card reader and initialize it.
      • If the card reader is not detected, the onStatusChange method will be called with status = NOT_CONNECTED
      • If the card reader is successfully detected, then the onStatusChange method will be called with status = CONNECTED.
    3. Next, the SDK checks if the card reader is correctly configured (the onStatusChange method will be called with status = CHECKING_READER).
      • If the card reader is already configured, the App is given a chance to force configuration. The SDK calls the onReaderResetRequested method, and the app must execute the callback method, telling the SDK whether or not the reader should be reset.
      • If the reader was not configured, or the app requested a reset, the card reader is configured (the onStatusChange method will be called with status = CONFIGURING_READER)
    4. Next, if the card reader is successfully initialized, the SDK asks the app for transaction information by calling the onTransactionInfoRequested method. The app must execute the callback method, telling the SDK what the amount, currency code and merchant account id is.
    5. Next, the onStatusChange method will be called with status = WAITING_FOR_CARD
    6. If the user inserts a card successfully, the onStatusChange: method will be called with status = CARD_DIPPED
    7. If the card has multiple applications on it, the payer must choose one:
      • The SDK calls the onEMVApplicationSelectionRequested method with a list of Applications on the card.
      • The app must display these Applications to the payer and allow them to choose which application they want to use.
      • Once the payer has decided, the app must inform the SDK of the choice by executing the calback method and passing in the index of the chosen application.
    8. Next, the SDK extracts card data from the card.
      • If the SDK is unable to obtain data from the card, the onError method will be called with the appropriate error, and processing will stop (the onStatusChange method will be called with status = STOPPED)
      • Otherwise, the SDK attempts to ask the App for the payer’s email by calling the onPayerEmailRequested method
    9. The app must execute the callback method and pass in the payer’s email address.
    10. Next, the onSuccess method is called with the obtained payment info.
    11. Next, the SDK will automatically send the obtained EMV card info to WePay's servers for authorization (the onStatusChange method will be called with status = AUTHORIZING)
    12. If authorization fails, the onAuthorizationError method will be called and processing will stop.
    13. If authorization succeeds, the onAuthorizationSuccess method will be called.
    14. Done!

Note: After the card is inserted into the reader, it must not be removed until a successful auth response (or an error) is returned.

Integrating the Manual payment method

  • Implement the TokenizationHandler interface
public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity implements TokenizationHandler
  • Implement the TokenizationHandler interface methods
public void onSuccess(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, PaymentToken token) {
    // Send the tokenId (paymentToken.getTokenId()) to your server
    // Your server would use the tokenId to make a /checkout/create call to complete the transaction

public void onError(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, Error error) {
    // Handle error
  • Instantiate a PaymentInfo object using the user's credit card and address data
Address address = new Address(Locale.getDefault());
address.setAddressLine(0, "380 Portage ave");
address.setLocality("Palo Alto");

PaymentInfo paymentInfo = new PaymentInfo("Android", "Tester", "",
        "Visa xxxx-1234", address,
        address, PaymentMethod.MANUAL,
        "4242424242424242", "123", "01", "18", true);
  • Make the WePay API call, passing in the instance of the class that implemented the TokenizationHandler interface methods
this.wepay.tokenize(paymentInfo, this);
  • Thats it! The following sequence of events will occur:
    1. The SDK will send the obtained payment info to WePay's servers for tokenization
    2. If the tokenization succeeds, TokenizationHandler's onSuccess method will be called
    3. Otherwise, if the tokenization fails, TokenizationHandler's onError method will be called with the appropriate error

Integrating the Store Signature API

  • Implement the CheckoutHandler interfaces
public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity implements CheckoutHandler
  • Implement the CheckoutHandler interface methods
public void onSuccess(String signatureUrl, String checkoutId) {
    // success! nothing to do here

public void onError(Bitmap image, String checkoutId, Error error) {
    // handle the error
  • Obtain the checkout_id associated with this signature from your server
String checkoutId = this.obtainCheckoutId();
  • Instantiate a Bitmap object containing the user's signature
Bitmap signature = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getApplicationContext().getResources(), R.drawable.dd_signature);
  • Make the WePay API call, passing in the instance of the class that implemented the CheckoutHandler interface methods
this.wepay.storeSignatureImage(signature, checkoutId, this);
  • Thats it! The following sequence of events will occur:
    1. The SDK will send the obtained signature to WePay's servers for tokenization
    2. If the operation succeeds, CheckoutHandler's onSuccess method will be called
    3. Otherwise, if the operation fails, CheckoutHandler's onError method will be called with the appropriate error